Wirtschaftsuniversitaet Wien Siemens

Cork RDF Resource Description Framework Flyer Icon

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Culture and Recreation

Available beds per 1000

Cinema Attendance

Cinema Seats

Cinema Seats per 1000

Number of museum visitors

Public Libraries

Public Swimming Pools


Tourist Bed-Places

Tourist Nights Spent

Tourist overnight stays per resident


1-person households

Age Dependency Ratio

Avg household-size

Collective living quarters

Conventional dwellings

Conventional dwellings



EU Foreigners


Foreign-borns (in a EU country)

Foreign-borns (outside EU)


Households in collective living quarters

Households in conventional dwellings

Households in housing units

Households in living quarters Total

Households in other housing units

Households in unknown living quarters

Households total

Households with children 0-17

Housing units

Living quarters

Lone parent households with children 0-17

Lone-pensioners households above retirement age

Median Age



Non-EU Foreigners


Occupants of housing units

Occupants of other housing units

Occupants of unknown type of housing unit

Occupied conventional dwellings

Occupied conventional dwellings with unknown walls

Occupied housing units

Occupied housing units with unknown walls

Occupied unknown type of housing unit

Old Age Dependency Ratio

Other housing units


Population 0-4

Population 0-4 female

Population 0-4 male

Population 10-14

Population 10-14 female

Population 10-14 male

Population 15-19

Population 15-19 female

Population 15-19 male

Population 20-24

Population 20-24 female

Population 20-24 male

Population 25-34

Population 25-34 female

Population 25-34 male

Population 35-44

Population 35-44 female

Population 35-44 male

Population 45-54

Population 45-54 female

Population 45-54 male

Population 5-9

Population 5-9 female

Population 5-9 male

Population 55-64

Population 55-64 female

Population 55-64 male

Population 65-74

Population 65-74 female

Population 65-74 male

Population 75+

Population 75+ female

Population 75+ male

Population age 0

Population age 25-29

Population age 30 - 34

Population age 35-39

Population age 40-44

Population age 45-49

Population age 50-54

Population age 55-59

Population age 60-64

Population age 65-69

Population age 70-74

Population age 75-79

Population age 80-84

Population age 85-89

Population collective living quarters

Population conventional dwellings

Population female

Population female age 0

Population female age 25-29

Population female age 30 - 34

Population female age 35-39

Population female age 40-44

Population female age 45-49

Population female age 55-59

Population female age 60-64

Population female age 65-69

Population female age 70-74

Population female age 75-79

Population female age 80-84

Population female age 85-89

Population female collective living quarters

Population female conventional dwellings

Population female housing units

Population female living quarters

Population housing units

Population in private households

Population living quarters

Population male

Population male age 0

Population male age 25-29

Population male age 30 - 34

Population male age 35-39

Population male age 40-44

Population male age 45-49

Population male age 50-54

Population male age 55-59

Population male age 60-64

Population male age 65-69

Population male age 70-74

Population male age 75-79

Population male age 80-84

Population male age 85-89

Population male collective living quarters

Population male conventional dwellings

Population male housing units

Population male living quarters

Population other housing units

Private households

Proportion 1-person households

Proportion EU Foreigners

Proportion Foreigners

Proportion Nationals

Proportion Non-EU Foreigners

Proportion aged 0-4

Proportion aged 10-14

Proportion aged 15-19

Proportion aged 20-24

Proportion aged 25-34

Proportion aged 35-44

Proportion aged 45-54

Proportion aged 5-9

Proportion aged 55-64

Proportion aged 65-74

Proportion aged 75+

Proportion foreign-borns

Proportion households with children 0-17

Proportion households with children 0-17

Proportion lone-parent households

Proportion lone-pensioner households

Proportion native-borns

Women per 100 Men

Women per 100 Men 75+

Young Age Dependency Ratio

Economic Aspects

Activity Rate

Activity Rate female

Activity Rate male

Economically Active Population

Economically Active Population 20-64

Economically Active Population 20-64 female

Economically Active Population 20-64 male

Economically Active Population 55-64

Economically Active Population 55-64 female

Economically Active Population 55-64 male

Economically Active Population female

Economically Active Population male

Employed persons 20-64

Employed persons 20-64 female

Employed persons 20-64 male

Employed persons 55-64

Employed persons 55-64 female

Employed persons 55-64 male

Employment divided by Jobs

Employment proportion agriculture and fishery

Employment proportion construction

Employment proportion industries

Jobs in agriculture and fishery

Jobs in arts entertainment and recreation household activites

Jobs in construction

Jobs in financial and insurance activities

Jobs in information and communication

Jobs in mining manufacturing energy

Jobs in professional scientific technical administrative and support service

Jobs in public administration defence education health and social work

Jobs in real estate activities

Jobs in trade transport hotels restaraunts

Unemployed Persons

Unemployed Persons female

Unemployed Persons male

Unemployment Rate

Unemployment rate female

Unemployment rate male


Accumulated ozone concentration

Average NO2 concentration

Average Particulate Matter concentration

Days with high NO2 concentrations

Days with high O3 concentrations

Days with high Particulate Matter concentrations (PM10)

Hours of sunshine

Price domestic water

Proportion potable drinking water

Proportion sewerage


Temperature of coldest month

Temperature of warmest month


Social Aspects


Conventional dwellings

Conventional dwellings

Crude birth rate

Crude death rate


Deaths <65

Deaths <65 female

Deaths <65 male

Deaths due to circulatory or respiratory systems <65

Deaths female

Deaths male



Dwellings lacking basic amenities

Empty dwellings

Households apartments

Households houses

Households owning dwelling

Households private rented housing

Households social housing


Infant mortality rate

Infant mortality rate (per 1000 live births)

Live births

People in accomodation for homeless

Proportion living in apartments

Proportion living in houses

Proportion living in owned dwellings

Training and Education

Early leavers

Early leavers female

Early leavers male

Persons 25-64 with medium education

Persons 25-64 with minor education

Students higher education

Students higher education female

Students higher education male

Working age persons with higher education

Travel and Transport

Bicycle network length


Cars per 1000 population

Commute distance

Commute duration

Deaths in road accidents

Incoming commuters

Outgoing commuters

People killed in road accidents per 1000 population

Price taxi

Proportion commute by bicycle

Proportion commute by car

Proportion commute by car or motor cycle

Proportion commute by foot

Proportion commute by motor cycle

Proportion commute by public transport





